Abaixo, um breve sobrevôo de alguns estudos piloto, em andamento e concluídos sobre os Efeitos da Meditação na Saúde Humana, em vários contextos. Boa busca e boa leitura!
- Ansiedade (Hoge, Bui, Marques, Metcalf, Morris, Robinaugh, et. al., 2013);
- Asma (Pbert, Madison, Druker, Olendzki, Magner, Reed, et. al., 2012);
- Câncer (Carlson, Doll, Stephen, Faris, Tamagawa, Drysdale, & Speca, 2013);
- Dor Crônica (Reiner, Tibi, & Lipsitz, 2013); https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23240921 > http://sci-hub.tw/10.1111/pme.12006 / Comparative evaluation of group-based mindfulness-based stress reduction and cognitive behavioural therapy for the treatment and management of chronic pain: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. > Tão eficaz quanto TCC
- Diabetes (Hartmann, Kopf, Kircher, Faude-Lang, Djuric, Augstein, et. al., 2012);
- Fibromialgia (Schmidt, Grossman, Schwarzer, Jena, Naumann, & Walach, 2011); Immune-inflammatory pathways and clinical changes in fibromyalgia patients treated with Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR): A randomized, controlled clinical trial.
- Distúrbios Gastrointestinais (Zernicke, Campbell, Blustein, Fung, Johnson, Bacon, & Carlson, 2013);
- Doenças Cardíacas (Sullivan, Wood, Terry, Brantley, Charles, McGee, Johnson, et. al., 2009);
- HIV (Duncan, Moskowitz, Neilands, Dilworth, Hecht, & Johnson, 2012);
- Calorões, (Carmody, Crawford, Salmoirago-Blotcher, Leung, Churchill, & Olendzki, 2011);
- Hipertensão (Hughes, Fresco, Myerscough, van Dulmen, Carlson, & Josephson, 2013);
- Depressão Maior (Chiesa & Serretti, 2011);
- Distúrbios do Sono (Hofmann, Sawyer, Witt, & Oh, 2010);
- Insônia e Outros Distúrbios do Sono (Andersen, Wurtzen, Steding-Jessen, Christensen, Andersen, Flyger, et. al., 2013);
- Estresse e Sintomas Relacionados (Kearney, McDermott, Malte, Martinez, & Simpson, 2012);
- Redução do uso do sistema de saúde – https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0140212
- Câncer de mama – Effects of mindfulness-based interventions on quality of life of women with breast cancer: a systematic review. / Mindfulness-based stress reduction for women diagnosed with breast cancer.
- Aumento de resiliência (capacidade de se adaptar a problemas e situações diversas) – Psychological mechanisms driving stress resilience in mindfulness training: A randomized controlled trial.
- Melhora da dor, ansiedade e qualidade do sono em pacientes com osteosarcoma – Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction combined with music therapy on pain, anxiety, and sleep quality in patients with osteosarcoma.
- Ansiedade social (medo de estar em público) e qualidade do sono – Sleep quality and treatment of social anxiety disorder.
- Demência e parceiros de pessoas com demência – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31068800
- Enxaqueca – Conducting a pilot randomized controlled trial of community-based mindfulness-based stress reduction versus usual care for moderate-to-severe migraine: protocol for the Mindfulness and Migraine Study (M&M).
- Neuralgia Pós-herpética – Effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on Depression, Anxiety, and Pain in Patients With Postherpetic Neuralgia.
- Qualidade de vida em pacientes com Doenças Cardiovasculares – Effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction program on quality of life in cardiovascular disease patients.
- Melhora da função imunológica e benefício psicológico em mulheres com Câncer de mama recém diagnosticado – Mindfulness based stress reduction provides psychological benefit and restores immune function of women newly diagnosed with breast cancer: A randomized trial with active control.
- Redução de Dor Lombar/Lombalgia Crônica – Not Just Mind Over Matter: Reviewing With Patients How Mindfulness Relieves Chronic Low Back Pain.
- Mindfulness para residentes médicos, cirúrgicos e psiquiátricos – [Mindfulness for medical, surgical and psychiatric residents].
- Regulação do Cortisol – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30917336 / https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30893675
- Refluxo gastro-esofágico – The effectiveness of mindfulness meditation in relief of symptoms of depression and quality of life in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease.
- Climatério e Menopausa – Is there a role for mindfulness-based interventions (here defined as MBCT and MBSR) in facilitating optimal psychological adjustment in the menopause?
- Estresse Pós-Graduação (Entrada no Mercado de Trabalho) – Effects of a Brief Mindfulness Intervention on After-Degree Nursing Student Stress.
- Distúrbios Psiquiátricos Infantis – Applying Mindfulness-Based Practices in Child Psychiatry.
- Solidão e estresse – Stress and perceived social isolation (loneliness).
- Fibromialgia – Immune-inflammatory pathways and clinical changes in fibromyalgia patients treated with Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR): A randomized, controlled clinical trial.
- Diabete Melito Tipo 1 – Feasibility of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Older Adolescents and Young Adults with Poorly Controlled Type 1 Diabetes.
- Redução de estresse em médicos e enfermeiras de programa de saúde da família – Controlled clinical trial comparing the effectiveness of a mindfulness and self-compassion 4-session programme versus an 8-session programme to reduce work stress and burnout in family and community medicine physicians and nurses: MINDUUDD study protocol. >>> EM ANDAMENTO!
- Soma da Character Strenghts e Mindfulness na Performance e Satisfação no trabalho – using character strengths and mindfulness interventions: Benefits for job satisfaction and performance. >>> mindfulness-based strengths practice (MBSP) como forma de aumentar performance na realização de tarefas
- Depressão, Ansiedade e Estresse em Idosos – The effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on depression, anxiety, and stress in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Pacientes com CA de tireóide tratados com Iodo – Mindfulness-based stress reduction in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer receiving radioactive iodine therapy: a randomized controlled trial. >>> QoL Questionnaire Core 30 Items (QLQ-C30), Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS), and Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS).
- Mindfulness, Diabetes e felicidade – https://sci-hub.tw/https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40200-020-00510-7
- Efeitos do Mindfulness na perda de peso a curto prazo em pessoas com sobrepeso e obesidade – https://sci-hub.tw/10.1515/jcim-2016-0048
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